About Us

Our Company

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you). My name is Betul, and it is synonymous with fitness. From a very young age, I’ve always leaned towards fitness and training – it’s actually where I met my husband & for years, we have pushed each other to become the best versions of ourselves.

As I grew older, I’ve always wondered how I could benefit society and leave a good legacy behind. I began to seek guidance from my Creator and asked myself how could I achieve this? Immediately after that, I began my journey on the 4th of January 2019 by opening up @Betul_fit Instagram account.

Prior to having kids, I dedicated most of my time to my studies- finishing of my Masters as well as having all the free uninterrupted-nappy-changing time to train, but after giving birth to my first-born Omar Yusuf- as many of you mom’s know – everything else becomes a second priority.

Fast forward to my second-born Sara, I realized I felt like all my time and energy went solely into them, while I don’t need to explain the incredible overwhelming emotions of being a mom is to you, I do, however often feel sad that, beyond my kids, who am I?

I needed something that would bring back some “me” time as well as become part of a community of sisters working to enhance ourselves not only physically but mentally as well. I truly enjoy working out and seeing incredible results and that kind of accomplishment should never be felt alone


I am extremely passionate about benefiting society- even in my own capacity, I began to ask what can I combine my skill set with in order to help the betterment of my community?

A charity organization (@adev_tr) was established in 1995 by my Grandfather Osman Nuri Onugoren to help and educate the Muslim Ummah, and to build mosques and madrasas for the Muslim Ummah. My grandad has been someone I have greatly admired and considered him a role model, a man whose heart was incomparable (May He Rest In Peace). 10% of the funds I get from my business goes to this charity or other every month…

We all have insecurities, some we work through mentally, by accepting what we can’t change and loving our imperfect yet perfect selves- others however can be worked on by training. According to neuroscience, physical workout releases endorphins- the happy chemical that triggers a positive feeling in the body…

In essence training is much more than just physical work out, it will help eliminate any negative feelings you have about yourself, be it, depression, low self-esteem, or just overly critical of yourself. With training, you’ll enter a new world where you are confident in not just your physical body, but your entire self! Mind, Body & Spirit.

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